I wanted to prototype my Gibberish translations before we have an actual translator. I grabbed gibberish_translate and started copying and pasting from Google Language Tools.
After five minutes of this, I thought there has got to be a better way. I googled for an API to the Google tools, and though I found none, I did find a scraping Ruby API called rtranslate. So…
gem install googletranslate
Then I hacked the index method of translations_controller.rb from gibberish_translate. I added the following lines of code
require 'rtranslate' def index # ...Mark's entire index method goes here unchanged if params[:filter] == "untranslated" count=0 @paginated_keys.each do |key| if ! @translated_messages[key] @translated_messages[key] = { :to => Translate.t(@en_messages[key], Language::ENGLISH, session[:translation_locale] ), :from => @en_messages[key] } end break if (count += 1) == per_page sleep 1 # Let's be nice to google end end end # end of index from gibberish_translate's translations_controller.rb |
And now Google does the work for me with the click of a mouse!
Note I did make some other changes to Mark’s code. There was a bug in translations_controller.rb in that it lost your current local when saving changes. To fix this I changed the set_translation_locale to use the session of there is no paramater:
def set_translation_locale session[:translation_locale] = params[:translation_locale] if params[:translation_locale] session[:translation_locale] = Gibberish.languages.first if Gibberish.languages if ! session[:translation_locale] end |
I also made some changes to gibberish_translate’s extractor.rb to handle Gibberish strings with default keys ("foo"[]
is a valid Gibberish way of saying "foo"[:foo]
def message_pattern(start_token, end_token) /#{start_token}((?:[^#{end_token}](?:\\#{end_token})?)+)#{end_token}\[:*([a-z_]*)[,\]]/m end def add_messages(contents, start_token, end_token) contents.scan(message_pattern(start_token, end_token)).each do |text, key| key = text.tr('[ ]', '_').downcase if ( key == '' ) add_message(key, remove_quotes(text, end_token)) end end |
The final tweaks I made was to make the find system call more portable (no -regex on OpenBSD) and also have it search for strings in my gibberish_rails plugin:
def files_with_messages `find #{dirs_to_search.join(" ")} -type f '(' -name '*rb' -or -name '*.ml' ')'`.split.map(&:chomp) end def dirs_to_search %w(app config lib vendor/plugins/gibberish_rails).map { |dir| "#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{dir}" } end |
Portions of the above code Copyright© 2007 Peter Marklund