This follows 15.3 – Working with ports. Here are the main steps:
Your /etc/mk.conf
should look similar to this:
SUDO=/usr/bin/sudo WRKOBJDIR=/usr/obj/ports DISTDIR=/usr/distfiles PACKAGE_REPOSITORY=/usr/packages USE_SYSTRACE=YesThe assumption is you have placed the 4.2 ports.tar.gz in /tmp:
sudo su cd /usr tar xpfz /tmp/ports.tar.gz chgrp -R wsrc /usr/ports find /usr/ports -type d -exec chmod g+w {} \; mkdir -p /usr/distfiles /usr/obj/ports /usr/packages chgrp -R wsrc /usr/distfiles /usr/obj/ports /usr/packages chmod g+w /usr/distfiles /usr/obj/ports /usr/packages exit
No ensure you are part of the wsrc group. You should be able to do the following as a normal user:
setenv CVSROOT ""
#or, export
cd /usr
cvs -q up -P -rOPENBSD_4_2 ports
Reference: 15.3 – Working with ports