Flex 2 SDK on OpenBSD 4.1

Posted by face on October 15, 2007

Java is a prerequisite. I tried building a simple mxml file with kaffe on OpenBSD, but kaffe failed with a CDATA error for flex 2 and then simply dumped core flex 3 beta. So before we start, lets build and install JDK for OpenBSD from source. Once you have built jdk-1.5, install it and ensure $JAVA_HOME is set and $JAVA_HOME/bin is on your path.

If you don’t already have wget and unzip installed, we can install them now:

sudo csh
setenv PKG_PATH ftp://ftp2.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.1/packages/i386
pkg_add wget unzip

The flex sdk is free and comes in a multi-platform binary format. Adobe forgot to put it in a directory, so lets make one for it now and then grab and unzip the sdk:

sudo mkdir /usr/local/flex2sdk-2.01
sudo ln -s /usr/local/flex2sdk-2.01 /usr/local/flex
cd /tmp
wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flex/sdk/flex2_sdk_hf1.zip
cd /usr/local/flex
sudo unzip /tmp/flex2_sdk_hf1.zip
rm -f  /tmp/flex2_sdk_hf1.zip
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/flex/bin/mxml

That should do it. Lets try it out. Place the following in a file called hello.mxml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="center">
  <mx:Panel title="Yo">
    <mx:Text htmlText="Hello &lt;b&gt;new&lt;/b&gt; World!" />

And now compile it:

/usr/local/flex/bin/mxmlc hello.mxml

And you should end up with hello.swf:

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